Yield Improvement

Yield Improvement in Corn Wet Milling Plants

GPPE starts with Corn analysis. Considering starch, protein and oil content of raw material Corn, target Starch, Gluten and Germ Yields are calculated. Existing Yield Numbers and Target Yield Numbers shows opportunity which can be obtained due to yield improvement. In a typical Corn Wet Mill Plant there is a few millions US Dollar Yield Improvement potential...

  • Total Yield Improvement : Decreasing losses
  • Starch Yield Improvement: Applying Best Practises GPPE decreases Starch content of Fiber. (SIF)
  • Gluten Yield Improvement: Applying Best Practises GPPE Enhances protein recovery which is maximazing Gluten Yield.
  • Germ Yield Improvement:Decreasing oil losses in other fractions enhances Oil Recovery which is maximazing Germ Yield.

Contact us if you want to generate more revenue from your existing operations.